
Should i buy a mac for my small business
Should i buy a mac for my small business

should i buy a mac for my small business

With an abundance of skilled and semi skilled people in the industry to support it. Cheap easily reproduced, cost efficient, and scalable.

Should i buy a mac for my small business Pc#

To put it in automotive parlance the pc with windows is the ubiquitous Ford model A. absolutely no WINDOWS and absolutely no Mac's here. and no I wouldnt ask a windows guy to use a Linux desktop to do dev work if they had no experience on a linux distro at all.Īll this being said where I work we are a 100% linux shop. It's all about picking the right tool for the intended task. for standard user doing basic tasks you choose Windows, for creatives and Adobe suites you might pick to use Mac's and further if i'm setting up developers to do any type of coding i would be choosing a linux distro and a few added tools like Atom or Vim or Latex or gedit and then add git Need authentication for your company most likely you are looking at Active Directory or Apache Directory or LDAPĪt the desktop level this works as well. When I want to spin up a DB server I think of MS SQL or Oracle DB or MySQL or Maria DB or any host of DB to fit the task. When I think of spinning up a web host, i never think IIS because there are so many better tools to use like NGINX or APACHE2.

should i buy a mac for my small business

the same works in IT, you pick the "best" tool for the job. The cux of this argument is this, A craftsmen knows that he or she has many tools in their cabinet to pick from and they choose the correct tool for the job at hand. What if you want the OS but not the hardware? The other larger issue is you don't have choice in hardware. Open Source, cost effective software.ĮDIT: Saw this today. Heck, I think we're going to see Linux as the contender to Windows in the enterprise here in the next few years. My time is better spent here at the office, not running out to the mall for PC repair. When a users drop, spills, or otherwise damages his laptop, Dell comes to me! Next biz day and repairs it! Warranty is also half the battle, without it you can spend more time trying to get the device repaired then its worth to buy a new one. You also can't get them repaired easily, I need uptime. Heck, there are a ton of ultrabooks out there like the HP spectre. I can't understand spending loads of money when a XPS 13 has better ratings by laptopmag over current gen Mac laptops under what you spend for a Mac. I see Mac as a status symbols in today's world, pretty and shiny, form over function. PC, at this point I can't think of any true business need that a Mac can only do.

Should i buy a mac for my small business